LightHouse Womens Center Mobile Clinic 1
LightHouse Womens Center Mobile Clinic 2

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CALL: (334)-289-2273

Mobile Medical Services

If you’re experiencing an unexpected pregnancy, we’re here to offer clarity and support so you can make an informed decision about what comes next. Through our mobile medical unit, we now can serve women in Livingston and Uniontown, Alabama.

At The Lighthouse Women’s Center, we want you to know what to expect when you visit us. We provide the comprehensive and compassionate care you deserve so you feel confident in your next steps. We’re not here to push you in any direction but to listen and help guide you through your options.


Our Mobile Clinic offers:

  • Abortion Information
  • Parenting Education
  • Pregnancy Options Information
  • Pregnancy Tests
  • STD/STI Information
  • Limited Ultrasounds (Onsite) 
  • Options counseling

Mobile Clinic in Livingston, AL

Tuesdays: 10am-2pm

216 S. Washington St.
Livingston, AL 35470

Located at the Bored Well on the courthouse square in downtown Livingston

Mobile Clinic in Uniontown, AL

Thursdays: 10am – 2pm

60 Hamburg North Street 
Uniontown, Alabama 36786

Located in the C.H.O.I.C.E parking lot

What to Expect During Your Appointment With Us

Your health is our priority, and we want to ensure you’re fully informed about your options. Here’s how we’ll help you understand your pregnancy and your options.

Even if you’ve already taken a home pregnancy test, we’ll provide a medical-grade test and an ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy and determine how far along you are. Knowing this information is key to understanding your options.

Note: If you are considering an abortion or self-managed abortion options, a due date calculator can only estimate how far along you are. Book a free ultrasound confirmation appointment today.

It’s essential to confirm that your pregnancy is located in the uterus. An ectopic pregnancy is where the embryo implants outside the uterus, often in the fallopian tube. An ectopic pregnancy could be life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention. If your pregnancy is ectopic, neither a medical nor surgical abortion would be safe, so it’s crucial to rule this out early through ultrasound.


Consultations on Your Options, Including Information on Self-Managed Abortion Pills

Certain health conditions may make this option unsafe or ineligible. Discussing your medical history with a medical professional if you are considering this option is essential. While abortion is not legal in Alabama, and we do not provide or refer for abortion services, we can help explain the risks, side effects, what to expect at home, reversal options, and recovery after an abortion. The abortion pill is only FDA-approved as an early termination method and the FDA does not recommend ordering pills online due to a lack of safety measures in place. 

If you want to explore your options as a parent or are considering adoption, we can give you more information about the free resources, programs, and aid we provide at no cost to you.


 Book a free ultrasound confirmation with us to determine what options are available to you. We’re here to help you make a fully informed choice.